Friday, September 21, 2012
Waybretheingoffiredragonkarl Partii finallie the battleings and winnings of it for all evers!!!
this is graet musicings!
we got to the top floor of the skieskraper and we saw him in his not dragon form Waybadssheaderkarlhank! and he said "MUAHAHAHAHAHHA SO NICE OF YOU BIG DUMS TO FINALLIE BE GETTING TOO HEAR NOW I CAN MAKE SURE I KILL YOU THIS TIME FOR ONCE AND FOR FINALLIE!" that way much bad fire bretheing dragon chradged and but than i blocked his chardge with my mirar and stabed down my sored into his leg and pined him to the ground than i said "hahahhaha were so much powerfuller now me and these guys show him guys!" and Hefestus and Yoolissees and Andre said "ok lets do it good and strong!!!!" and they all attaked with thier wepons into the stooped dragons hed and woonded him but than he broke out of the Evilbadguygetridofers pin down on his leg and flew into the aire and brethed fire into all of the us guys but are wepons and sheeldss fire resistanse to dragons fires pretected us guys and we all luanched are onslots and assalts and hear they are: Me luached and staber sllasher onslot Hefestus luachned hamersmasher onslot Yoolissees luanched a riffel shooter assalt and Andre luacnhed a magikal staber slasher assalt with his Dragonsevilnessdestroyer and his DragonsSlayers Magic. the dragon was so verey much woonded and also hurt but still so much powerfull and We had used so much of are energy on are fiteings and i said "wow we so grate guy of saveing the world back than or also nown to bee Me and Leeonardo and Mars never wood have ben able to get passed this hear dragons so strong onslot unpowered up like beefour!" and than Waybretheingoffiredragonkarl said "enuff of all of you guys and your new stronger DragonsSlayers Wepons your so much powerfuller then beefour but try this on for seeing if it is youre size!!!!!" and he went over to a corner of that thier room in the skieskraper and and blasted up a huge big cradged so hot that wite or also wite hot fire blast into us guys and nocked down everyone of us with the forse but we didnt take so much damedge bicause of the fire resistences but than he smashed are bodies with his big spikey tale and did lots of damedge and everyone of us guys was hurt and so i said "enuff of are getting hurt were going to hurt you so much more stooped dragon guy! Andre we can chardge together and at the same time are DragonsSlayers Magic and we can blast him back to his own time or also not Future Times!" and Andre said "alrite! Hefestus and Yoolissees keep that much stooped dragon busy!" and we put are magic hands together and started chardgeing up a way huge magic blast.... wile are blast was beeing chardged Hefestus said "hey stooped lizard with big bat wigs coome over to hear and fite me like as if you where beeing a man!" and wehn he turned too Hefestus Yoolisees said "no stooped over hear!" and shot the dragons head with his riffel the dragon form Karl Hanke was so much confused but he deesided to go after Yoolissees bicause Yoolissees was the one hoo attaked him and Yoolissees was shooting the dragon that was chaseing him and Hefestus was chaseing the dragon and shooting fireballs at it and Yoolissees said" hey guy s hurrie up or try to we cant keep up this for all times!" and so than Me and Andre where done chardgeing and Andre said "goodbye you dumb dragon hahahahhaha!" and we shot are magic ball into the dragon and i felt a hole lot of my energy go away and i allmost fell to not conshus ness but i didnt and the magic ball hit the dragon in his fase and he fell to the ground and was deefeated. he turned back to human form....
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hhahahhahaha do you like my cliffhanger as its called?!?!?