there you are going /\
Me and Yoolisses and Hefestus and now also Andre the blacksmith spechel leeder nite guy walked back to that over thier time river and wile we were going we talked a hole lot and i rote the blog post that was just read by you guys the reeders of this blog. we talked about Andre and how it was to be a nite or to be nown as DragonsSlayers Nite leeder but rite beefour he ansered are kwestion a huge and also large and also big dragon attaked us and Andre said "let me show to you how fun it is to be a nite!" and he charged at the dragon with his sored (the Dragonsevildestroyer you should look it up on are wiki it looks so verey cool!) and cut it in the face and head and he hurt it a hole lot and it yelled and breathed fire onto him but his DragonsSlayers armor was so much fire reesistent and he charged throo the flames and blasted magic into the dragon and wile the dragon was stuned he pulled his sored up with both of his hands and smashed it into the ground and a bighuge wave of energy blasted into the dragon and cut its head into half and the dragon died and i said "wow that looks oh verey fun and culd you teech me that magic?" and Andre said "well you are of beeing one of my nites now so yes come hear but you wont be verey powerfull magiker untill it is later times bicause you need of training." and i lerned how to make magic energy balls from my palm and i said "oh wow thanks so much Andre!" and than Andre called some of his nites to harvest them dragon bones and than we continued toward to the time river and floted up it and too the renesanse times where we went to the west casseland Andre said" wow looks like hard battelings of hear and wate look theres a note and hears a picture of the note:
and so Me and the Other Guys of Saveing the Yooniverse From Slendertearanny deesided to go to the future times bicause we deesided to go there first for looking bicause it was verey suspichus note and it said not to go to 2020 so were going to thier first..... and we heded back to the time river but wen we got thier i looked to the bushes beeing on the side of the path and i saw a time river speed boat and i thought "wo i can use that to go oh so much faster throo the time river and get to Future Times so faster then beefour!" and than we got in the Time River Speed Boat and speeded off to the Future Times.....
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