Monday, September 24, 2012


this is a so good music in this videeo and also its good videeo you shuld wach it but also lissen to the music in it wile reeding this blog post i took out my handcufs and said "well Waybadssheaderkarlhank wat is it that you have to say beefour i arrest you and put you in the SlenderSprasy jale for so evil guys?"  and Waybadssheaderkarlhank said 'yeah you so stooped look at the sky at nite rite now..." i looked up and saw that he was rite it was nite and thier was a moon in the skie. i said "so waht dumb guy?" he said "its a moon of all fullness......... and im a warewolf!!!!" and he started transforming and his nales got so longer and he grew fur and sooper sharp teeth and he said "meet my final form huenormus morons! im a warewofl! bicause i was bitten by a other warewolf a wile ago and that made me a trnsforming guy to a warewolf at full moon s now die!!!" and than he howled and with fantastik fast litening speed he ran too me and bit my arm and i was bleeding everywere and fell down i new that i couldnt fite and that my frend guys of world saveing would have to do it wile i was out... Andre blasted a magic ball into Karl Hanke and the warewolf fell down but beefour anyone new it his much fast speed got him up agen and he was allredy rite next too Andre and Andre tried to swing his sored to Karl AHnke but isaw it was to slow and Andre would be hit but luckely Hefestus smashed into the warewolfs skull with his hamer and nocked it down but it jumped back up and wil jumping kicked over Hefestus and started triing to disbowl him with his verey sharp claws and i saw Hefestus was getting hurt and just beefour Hefestuses disbowlment Yoolissees S Grant shot the warewolf in the head with a power shot that nocked Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank off of Hefestus and wile the warewolf was down Hefestus started beeting him with his Anvilstrikersmasherhamer and Andre came over to me and he said here let me teech you this magic..." and he tote Me a heeler magic and i started heeling my bite woond and i looked over to the battel just wen a forsesheeld blasted out of Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and nocked Hefestus back and Karl kept the forsesheeld up for a few seconds bicause Yoolissees tryed to shoot him and than Mr. Hanke shot wolf beems magic from his palms to the guy Yoolisses blasting him back but not deefeeting him and than said "hahaha and hear look i still have tricks up my sleeves...." and he grew his claws to so much longer and they were like five big soreds on each of his hands and he started slashing at Andre and i saw that the onslot of his claws was so verey much that not even Andre could with stand it and i started heeling faster to try to help and i looked over and saw Hefestus try to stop the onsloting onto Andre but he got his chest cut open and blasted back by the claw hand and Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank said "hey Andre that will be you in a second hahahhaahaha!" and he finallie broke Andres gard and slashed him down to and now Hefestus and Andre where out of the battelings and maybee even dead and Karl Hanke started chardging to Yoolissees and i saw that my arm wasnet full heeled and if i dinet heel it to all of the way i culd turn to beeing a warewolf but i deesided to risk it to save my frends and also the hole world so i stood up and said "hey idiot look over heer im all good!" and i than used a spell to unlock my full powers or called i went to rage form and started glowing blood red and chardged at Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and i said "Yoolissees ill fite him you bee a suportter shoot him wile we fite!" and i let out my slash with Evilbadguygetridofer into Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and he garded it with his claws and slashed at me and i rolled out of the way and stabed at him agen but he got my sored stuck in the midel of too of his sored claw blades and he tried to stab to me with his other claws but i used my mirar to block his sored claw blade stirkes and i saw that i was losing in the battel bicause he was beeting up my sheeld and my sored was stuck in his claws so i chardged up DragonsSlayers Magic and blasted it into my sored making it so much more powerfuller and i used a burst of strength to hard push the Evilbadguygetridofer and it was so powerfull that it broke too of his claws rite off of his hand and Karl Hanke said "ouch that hurt you mean jerk guy! but ive got more powers then you and youre weeknes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  and i siad "oh yeah trie this dumb SS Header guy!" and let too losed my sooper slash and cut Karl Hanke acros him chest and he howeled in pane but than blasted wolf howeler beems to me and blasted me back acros the flor and i survived the hit and chardged b ack to his self and cut him agen and agen until his bluddy stooped SS header guy self stopped moveing hahhahahahahahah so stooped to think he culd stop my rager form onslot..... and he turned back to the human....and i said to Yoolissees "okay ill get rid of my rage form and rite the blogger post wile you arrest him and put him to jale for ever and all times and check on Hefestus and Andre..." and Yoolissees said "ok were are the handcuffs?" and i said "rite hear" and gave them to him.

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