Friday, September 7, 2012

Beeing in the dunjun for life or not hahhhahahah take that Karl Hanke! (are escape)

wen i woke up Me and MArs and Leeonardo da Vinchi where in the Dunjun of Tortureing for Alltimes. i said "hey guys wake up we need to get out of this soopervrey evil and scarrey dunjun beefour wee all get tortured and verey lots hurt"! 'ok idiot calm down" Mars said. and Leeonardo said "hey i have no clue how to be geting out of these hardlocked chains on are rists..." "yea me neether no cloo at all how get theese stooped things out off me......." i said. Mars said "hey you guys are sostupid dumbheads..... and i am to! how do we get out of hear?!?!?!?" and than Karl Hanke walked into that room that was that dunjun and was not a dragon and was in his normal badevil form and not his dragon form and said "hey stupid week guys of never beeing able to save the world from the SS or nown the Secret Conspirasyofslender who wants to get tortured?" and just than a Hercules burst threw the dunjun wall and said "not theese good guys of saveing the hole wide world from your tearanny!"and he tackelled Karl Hanke with the full power of all of his body and nocked Karl Hanke to the ground and Hercules said "run!" as all of us good guys where running i saw out of the corner of my face and eye Karl Hanke turn forms to beeing Waybrethingoffiredragonkarl and lunching an onslot onto Hercules and his staber slasher sored assalt.but their was no time to check and see if all that onslot of Karls woud kill Hercules beecuz we had to run and get away so we can life to fite agen in a other day. we ran as far as we could toreds the time river and it took a long time and we didnt want toget cot so we ran litening fast as fast as we possibel could!

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