Me and Hefestus and Yoolissees steped into the arena and in front of us where three of The DragonSlayer Nites and they were dressed in ultra practise battle armor and using practise soreds and we got the same accpet Hefestus got a practise anvilsmasherhamer and Yoolissees got a practise riffel and than Andre said "and the battle trial for to become a nite in nitehood is starting at this rite now time!" and than a nite went hugefast into me and smacked at me with the sored but i blocked it with my practise miror and hit him with my sored and he fell down but got back up agen and wile we where fiteing i looked over and saw Hefestus smaesh his anvilhamer into one of the practisetrialfiternites and than i looked over to that guy Yoolissees Grant and he was shooting his practise riffel bullettes into the fase of the third nite and he was bad hurt and i saw that are battels where going goodly so i kept up my onslot onto the nite i was fiteing to and but than he parryed my attak and hit my in the head hard and but i counter attaked with a stab into his stomak and chest and the wind i got all nocked out of him and i took my practise sored with both of my hands and all off the mite in my bodie and smashed my sored into his head so hardley that the wooden practise sored broke to peaces and the DragonSlayers Nite was nocked to not beeing conshus.... so than i looked at the battels and i saw that the nite Yoolissees was fiteing was about to hit him so i through my practise miror into in fornt of his blade and stoped the attack and than i ran over too the nite and punched him in the fase sinse i lost my wepons and than the nite was all most unconshus and than Yoolissees shot him too unconshus beeing and Me and Yoolissees went to fite the nite that are frend Hefestus was fiteing and when wee got their too him he said "wow this one nites much better than youres guyses were beeing help me take him down!" the DragonsSlayers Nite got hit by the Anvilsmasherhamer of Hefestus and got to mega far flying threw the air but than he got back up after landing and attaked Hefestus and did biggreathumongus amounts of damdage to Hefestus but than Yoolissees shot the nite and than the nite llooked to him and Hefestus did all enouff damege to his back to nock him out and we won the mach and Andre said "wow good job guys you reely won that won good!" and i said "ok hold on i need to put this up on my blog" (thats the one your reeding rite now at this time!(
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