Friday, September 7, 2012

Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl (oops spoilers hahahaah)



Karl Hanke was laying on the ground all beeten up and with his wepeon Gungnir taken from him and with us good guys not him and i said "hahahahahahahahahha look at the ideeot he thought he could beet us!" Mars said "wow hes even stupider than you ALEXSHELPER! hahahahahaha!" and than Leeonardo da Vinchi said "maybee we shudnt be makeing fun of him he mite still have maney or few tricks up his sleaves...." and than Karl said "hey wate guys whats that over there and behind you?!!?" and we turned around and looked and when we looked back Karl was drinking time river juice! i said "oh no hes going too time telepor-" but i was cut off bicause a hugegiant blue explosion of auraenergy blasted out from KArl hAnke and nocked us back and we were nocked back when he nocked us back and than we loocked at were he was beefour and he had becomed too a largehumongus dragon. Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl said "i wasnt time teleporting you jerk i was changing forms to this one and my second most powerfull and you wont even get to my most powerfull bicause you suck and ill win agenst you like this oh but first let me tell you how i got this form i got it by getting timer river juice from the verey end of the time river and at the verey end of the time river the juice from thier is much more powerfuller and makes you strong instead of time travelling you anyway back to your deathing times!!!!!" and than with waysooperfast speed he flew to me and breathed fire breath onto me and nocked me out. after that he flew up waysohigh and shot fireballs from his mouth onto Leeonardo da Vinchi and nocked him out two. but than Mars said "hey forgeting someonem oron?" and he chopped onto Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl with his battelaks and Karl said "ROAR" and blew a huenormus amount of fire at Mars but Mars was fast and quick and not slow and he put up his sheeld and blocked the huenormous amount of fire and than he charged up to the draogon but he was nocked aside by it's paw and than the dragon smacked Mars with its tale and sent him flying back. Mars charged forward wile dojing fireballs and shooting warbeams into Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl but was nocked aside by the tale of that big meen dragon agen. but than mars came up with a plan and he focused all of war powers into one ultrapoweredwargodbeem and shot it into Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl and nocked him off of hi balanse and wile the dragon was distrakted Mars cut off Karl's tale. Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl said "ow wyed you do that you stupid war god?" beefour that big ol dragon could say anymore stupid stuff Mars picked up Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl's tale and started to hit him with it and MArs said "how do you like getting hit with this tale you annoying little crap?" but than Waybreathingoffiredragonkarl breathed fire all over Mars and Mars was nocked out and than we were al deefeated...

Karl changed back his from to his normal self and called his gards in and he said "hahahahahah so week... put them in the dunjun for ever and all times...."

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