Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Mini Slender Mens Attaking Us!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Of The Huge Armie Of Mini Slender Mens Drew Out Slender Soreds Or Nown As The Evil Soreds Of The Slender Armies Of Prezident Slender That He Gives To His Armies And They Boost Slender Power And They All Ran Towerds Us Nites And I Said "Hey DragonsSlayers Preepair For A Tuff Battel And Bee Carefull In It!" And We Chardged At The Mini Slender Mens And Wen I Got Thier I Attaked At Prezident Slender Hisself But He Got To Away And Telportaled Out Of Thier!!!! Anyways I Lost Site Of My Fellows DragonsSlayers Nites And Thats Bad For A Leeder Of A Group To Loose Of The Site Of His Guys But I Had To Go Oh Well And Keep Fiteing... So I Started Cutting At The Mini Slender Armie With My Dragonsevillnessdestroyer And Each Hit From My Strong Wepon Took Out 10 Of The Bad Enemies But Theyre Wehre So Manie! After An Our Of Fiteing Agenst The Armie I Was Letting My Soreder Arm Rest And Was Blocking With My Sheeld And I Saw One Of My Nites. His Name Was Beeing Garl And He Was One Of My Best Nite And He Even Got Spechel Armer And A Spechel Wepon Named The Dragonbonecrusher! And So I Said "Garl Get OVer Hear I Need A Status Report On Are Progress In The Battel!" And Garl Came Over And Said "Sir Thier Kicking Us In Are Buts And We Shuld Reetreet There To Manie!!!" And I SAid "No Dont Give Up Men!" Verey Loudly So All Of Them Culd Heer Me. And Than I Did A Hugemongus Chardger Spinner Cut Into The Crowd Of Mini SlenderMens And Killed 100 Of Them Scarey Evil Guys But Thier Where Still So Manie!!! And I Kept Fiteing And Than I Got Backstabed By A Mini Slender Man And I Didnt Die Or Get Woonded Much But Worried Bicause They Got Throo My Difenses.... I Blasted A Huge DragonsSlayers Magic Into The Crowd It Cleered All The Mini Slender Mens Away From My Nites And I Said "We Need To Leeve Actualie Men! Thier Are Two Manie Of Them!" And We Ran So Fast Back To The Time River And I BLasted A Huge Ball Of DragonsSlayers Magic Into The Walls By The Time River And Blocked Off The Time River From The Renesanse Times And Also Used More MAgic To Make A Big Magic Barrier Beehind The Rubbel. I Fell Too The Ground From All The Magic And Fiteing So Exausting! Im Getting To Old For This!!! And I SAdi To My DragonsSlayers Nites "There Now Those Stooped Mini Slender Mens Are Trapped Hear Comeing Hear Was A Bad Idea! Can I Have A Deathkilled And Woonded Report?" Garl Said "Hey Sir We Lost 2 Of Are Men And All Of The Other Nites Are Wooded But Not Me Bicause Of My Armer Hahahhaahah Anyway We Shuld Leeve And Were Are We Going Next?" I Said "I Dont No Hold On Lets Do A Blog Post First...
My First Going To There Place!!!
I Called Up Some Of My DragonsSlayers Nites And Told Them Of Are Mission Wich I Deesided On. We Where Going To Go To The Ruins Of The West Castle. I Read Throo The Blog Posts That Where Up Beefour I Got Hear Or Too The Blog And I Saw That aLEXSHELEPR Or Now dIGIHELPER Never Vestigateioned The Megaarmerfull Soljurs Whoo Looked Like Slender Mens! So Me And A Squad Of My Bestest Nites Went To Renesanse Times To Figure Out The Misterey........ Wen We Got There I Grabbed A Corps Of A Megaarmerfull Soljur And I Looked At It's Fase And It Was Not A Fase! He Looked Like A Slender Man But Minier And So I Looked At Under His Armer And Thier Was Even A Littel Slender Suit On Under His Armer And One Of My Nites Said "Sir I Feal Like Thiers A So Bad Evil Somewere Neer Buy.... We Shuld Be Careful...." And So I Said And Than Also Yelled After "Nites Be Garding On It. Hey Bad Evil Why Are Theese Guy Like Slender Mens?!?!?!" And Than Prezident Slender Hisself Appeered! My First Line Of The Striker Forse Of DragonsSlayers Nites Attacked Are So Evil Prezident And Than Prezident Slender Attaked By Impaleing Them With Trees And Woonded Them To Neerley Death. Prezident Slender Said "Call Off Them Men Of Attaking Me Andre Or Ill Kill Them!" And So I Called Them Off And Said "Wat Do You Want Prezident Slender?!!?!?" And He Said "Im Evil And That Meens I Tell You My Secret Plan But Hears A Better Way To Do Of That Meet My Secret Plan!!!" And Prezident Slender Called Up His Armie Of Megaarmerfull Soljurs Without Theyre Armer And He Said "Meet My Mini Slender Mens!" And The Big Wave Of Evil Mini Slender Mens Attaked Us!
Hi Guys Its Me Andre The Blacksmith!!!!!
Hi Guys Sinse aLEXSHELEPER Is Gone To Digi Times And That Meens Hell Be Gone He Let Me Update His Blog And Go On Slender Ventures And Fite The Slender Spirasy!!!! So Ill Be Udateing Soon With My Ventures And Vestigateing!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
after the final battel with KArl Hanke
Me and the guys nown as Yoolissees and Hefestus and Andre spilt up and we went back to are homes bicause we had no other SlenderSpirasys on us at the time and just wen i got home my fone started ringing so i picked it up i said "hello hoo is it?" and on the other side was the SlenderSlayer he said "hey ALEXSHELPER we need your so smart experteeze in a place and we also need your fiter power hear to help us with your so power oh and yeah i heard about your deefeat of Karl Hanke congradjoolashun!" and i said "okay im comeing" so i got to going there or also culd be this blog will talk about were i weant and wat im doing: hear
this is a so good music in this videeo and also its good videeo you shuld wach it but also lissen to the music in it wile reeding this blog post
i took out my handcufs and said "well Waybadssheaderkarlhank wat is it that you have to say beefour i arrest you and put you in the SlenderSprasy jale for so evil guys?" and Waybadssheaderkarlhank said 'yeah you so stooped look at the sky at nite rite now..." i looked up and saw that he was rite it was nite and thier was a moon in the skie. i said "so waht dumb guy?" he said "its a moon of all fullness......... and im a warewolf!!!!" and he started transforming and his nales got so longer and he grew fur and sooper sharp teeth and he said "meet my final form huenormus morons! im a warewofl! bicause i was bitten by a other warewolf a wile ago and that made me a trnsforming guy to a warewolf at full moon s now die!!!" and than he howled and with fantastik fast litening speed he ran too me and bit my arm and i was bleeding everywere and fell down i new that i couldnt fite and that my frend guys of world saveing would have to do it wile i was out... Andre blasted a magic ball into Karl Hanke and the warewolf fell down but beefour anyone new it his much fast speed got him up agen and he was allredy rite next too Andre and Andre tried to swing his sored to Karl AHnke but isaw it was to slow and Andre would be hit but luckely Hefestus smashed into the warewolfs skull with his hamer and nocked it down but it jumped back up and wil jumping kicked over Hefestus and started triing to disbowl him with his verey sharp claws and i saw Hefestus was getting hurt and just beefour Hefestuses disbowlment Yoolissees S Grant shot the warewolf in the head with a power shot that nocked Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank off of Hefestus and wile the warewolf was down Hefestus started beeting him with his Anvilstrikersmasherhamer and Andre came over to me and he said here let me teech you this magic..." and he tote Me a heeler magic and i started heeling my bite woond and i looked over to the battel just wen a forsesheeld blasted out of Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and nocked Hefestus back and Karl kept the forsesheeld up for a few seconds bicause Yoolissees tryed to shoot him and than Mr. Hanke shot wolf beems magic from his palms to the guy Yoolisses blasting him back but not deefeeting him and than said "hahaha and hear look i still have tricks up my sleeves...." and he grew his claws to so much longer and they were like five big soreds on each of his hands and he started slashing at Andre and i saw that the onslot of his claws was so verey much that not even Andre could with stand it and i started heeling faster to try to help and i looked over and saw Hefestus try to stop the onsloting onto Andre but he got his chest cut open and blasted back by the claw hand and Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank said "hey Andre that will be you in a second hahahhaahaha!" and he finallie broke Andres gard and slashed him down to and now Hefestus and Andre where out of the battelings and maybee even dead and Karl Hanke started chardging to Yoolissees and i saw that my arm wasnet full heeled and if i dinet heel it to all of the way i culd turn to beeing a warewolf but i deesided to risk it to save my frends and also the hole world so i stood up and said "hey idiot look over heer im all good!" and i than used a spell to unlock my full powers or called i went to rage form and started glowing blood red and chardged at Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and i said "Yoolissees ill fite him you bee a suportter shoot him wile we fite!" and i let out my slash with Evilbadguygetridofer into Finalformofbeingawarewolfkarlhank and he garded it with his claws and slashed at me and i rolled out of the way and stabed at him agen but he got my sored stuck in the midel of too of his sored claw blades and he tried to stab to me with his other claws but i used my mirar to block his sored claw blade stirkes and i saw that i was losing in the battel bicause he was beeting up my sheeld and my sored was stuck in his claws so i chardged up DragonsSlayers Magic and blasted it into my sored making it so much more powerfuller and i used a burst of strength to hard push the Evilbadguygetridofer and it was so powerfull that it broke too of his claws rite off of his hand and Karl Hanke said "ouch that hurt you mean jerk guy! but ive got more powers then you and youre weeknes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i siad "oh yeah trie this dumb SS Header guy!" and let too losed my sooper slash and cut Karl Hanke acros him chest and he howeled in pane but than blasted wolf howeler beems to me and blasted me back acros the flor and i survived the hit and chardged b ack to his self and cut him agen and agen until his bluddy stooped SS header guy self stopped moveing hahhahahahahahah so stooped to think he culd stop my rager form onslot..... and he turned back to the human....and i said to Yoolissees "okay ill get rid of my rage form and rite the blogger post wile you arrest him and put him to jale for ever and all times and check on Hefestus and Andre..." and Yoolissees said "ok were are the handcuffs?" and i said "rite hear" and gave them to him.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Waybretheingoffiredragonkarl Partii finallie the battleings and winnings of it for all evers!!!
this is graet musicings!
we got to the top floor of the skieskraper and we saw him in his not dragon form Waybadssheaderkarlhank! and he said "MUAHAHAHAHAHHA SO NICE OF YOU BIG DUMS TO FINALLIE BE GETTING TOO HEAR NOW I CAN MAKE SURE I KILL YOU THIS TIME FOR ONCE AND FOR FINALLIE!" that way much bad fire bretheing dragon chradged and but than i blocked his chardge with my mirar and stabed down my sored into his leg and pined him to the ground than i said "hahahhaha were so much powerfuller now me and these guys show him guys!" and Hefestus and Yoolissees and Andre said "ok lets do it good and strong!!!!" and they all attaked with thier wepons into the stooped dragons hed and woonded him but than he broke out of the Evilbadguygetridofers pin down on his leg and flew into the aire and brethed fire into all of the us guys but are wepons and sheeldss fire resistanse to dragons fires pretected us guys and we all luanched are onslots and assalts and hear they are: Me luached and staber sllasher onslot Hefestus luachned hamersmasher onslot Yoolissees luanched a riffel shooter assalt and Andre luacnhed a magikal staber slasher assalt with his Dragonsevilnessdestroyer and his DragonsSlayers Magic. the dragon was so verey much woonded and also hurt but still so much powerfull and We had used so much of are energy on are fiteings and i said "wow we so grate guy of saveing the world back than or also nown to bee Me and Leeonardo and Mars never wood have ben able to get passed this hear dragons so strong onslot unpowered up like beefour!" and than Waybretheingoffiredragonkarl said "enuff of all of you guys and your new stronger DragonsSlayers Wepons your so much powerfuller then beefour but try this on for seeing if it is youre size!!!!!" and he went over to a corner of that thier room in the skieskraper and and blasted up a huge big cradged so hot that wite or also wite hot fire blast into us guys and nocked down everyone of us with the forse but we didnt take so much damedge bicause of the fire resistences but than he smashed are bodies with his big spikey tale and did lots of damedge and everyone of us guys was hurt and so i said "enuff of are getting hurt were going to hurt you so much more stooped dragon guy! Andre we can chardge together and at the same time are DragonsSlayers Magic and we can blast him back to his own time or also not Future Times!" and Andre said "alrite! Hefestus and Yoolissees keep that much stooped dragon busy!" and we put are magic hands together and started chardgeing up a way huge magic blast.... wile are blast was beeing chardged Hefestus said "hey stooped lizard with big bat wigs coome over to hear and fite me like as if you where beeing a man!" and wehn he turned too Hefestus Yoolisees said "no stooped over hear!" and shot the dragons head with his riffel the dragon form Karl Hanke was so much confused but he deesided to go after Yoolissees bicause Yoolissees was the one hoo attaked him and Yoolissees was shooting the dragon that was chaseing him and Hefestus was chaseing the dragon and shooting fireballs at it and Yoolissees said" hey guy s hurrie up or try to we cant keep up this for all times!" and so than Me and Andre where done chardgeing and Andre said "goodbye you dumb dragon hahahahhaha!" and we shot are magic ball into the dragon and i felt a hole lot of my energy go away and i allmost fell to not conshus ness but i didnt and the magic ball hit the dragon in his fase and he fell to the ground and was deefeated. he turned back to human form....
we found out were Karl Hanke is hiding or culd be nown Future Times Partii
we wehre going all around of the place and asking peepel if theyd seen a big bad dragon and also hes a SS header evilbad and one guy said "yeah over in that bulding skiescraper and hes triing to take the world over and all to himsself!!!!! so hurrie and go so fast!!!!!!" and so we are runing on over to that skieskraper....
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Yeer 2020 or nown Future Times. part #1
wehn we got to the Future Times part of the Time River we jumped off and got into Future Times and we looked around and saw hover cars and teleportals all over the place to help peepel get around and wow so verey advenced!!! now we have to serch for Karl Hanke ill update wehn i find him.... sorry that this is so short!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
the fiteing battelings in on the time river and reeveelations about WHDs and other big sploder wepons
wee wer in Renesanse Times of varey much time ago and so even in the speed time river boat it would be so long times beefour wee got to the yeer 2020 so wee wer gettign board but than out of the middle of that place called nowere (or for reely the time river beehind us hahahahhahaah) a other time river speed boat came chargeing too that one beelonging to us guys of world saveing and was blasting magic bolts too are speedboat and Andre was driving and he told Me "hey ALEXSHELPER take the weel ill blast them back to the stone ages literaly hahahahhahaha but yoo need to take the weel anned drive us throo this time river" but i said "no yoo drive i want to test and try out my new DragonsSlayers Magic and see how good mine is maybee not as good as youres but i bet i can still blast them back too at leest Renesanse Times hahahahahhaah!" Andre said "ahaahahahahhah okay do it!" and i chardged up a way power energy ball in my hand and the bad guys that were unidentifeyed wer caching up so i had to hurrie they wer allmost hiting us and that wuld be so much terribal so i shot my energy ball and hit there speed boat and it sooper sploded and that is now in now times nown as Hiroshima and i said "wow explosions in the time river are that bad and wait does that meen that sploder wepons of now and then times are actualy time river powered?" and no one new the anser but it makes me think and wait i shuld no i bult a WHD onse in a other cool blog that you shuld look at and anyway oh yeah i gues i did put time river joose is also used in the makings of the WHDs and other huge sploder wepons huh..... but wile i was thinking of this stuff thats so bad and interesting a other speedboat and i blasted at it but it swerved out of the way and Japan was bombed again in past times of World War Partii and i said "oh no hold on were kiling peepel slow down the boat so i can get on there boat and kill all of them evil guys Andre!" but than Yoolisses S. Grant and Hefestus said "no wate we got this guys!" and Yoolissees shot the driver and Hefestus shot a littles fire ball into the head of the magic shooter and they were both deasd and i gave those to guys of kiling misteerius time river bad guys hi fives and siad "good jobs gys!" and than i thote some more wile Yoolissees and Hefestus garded are speedboat and i thote wate if the government had Huge Sploder Wepons or HSWs beefour President Slender that meens that they new of the time river bicause they used the joose of the time river in theyre HSWs so were the old goverment guys in on that SlenderSpirasy for all along time?!!? was their a spirasy on Obama by the own goverment of him to kill him and make Slenderman the Prezident!!!!!!!!!??????? wow this is verey cool interesting stuff ill need to think of it later and oh yeah im in Future Times rite now and that meens that theese cool times will be in the next post or nown update, BUY!!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
the trip on over to the time river and to going back to Renesanse Times and the West Cassel
there you are going /\
Me and Yoolisses and Hefestus and now also Andre the blacksmith spechel leeder nite guy walked back to that over thier time river and wile we were going we talked a hole lot and i rote the blog post that was just read by you guys the reeders of this blog. we talked about Andre and how it was to be a nite or to be nown as DragonsSlayers Nite leeder but rite beefour he ansered are kwestion a huge and also large and also big dragon attaked us and Andre said "let me show to you how fun it is to be a nite!" and he charged at the dragon with his sored (the Dragonsevildestroyer you should look it up on are wiki it looks so verey cool!) and cut it in the face and head and he hurt it a hole lot and it yelled and breathed fire onto him but his DragonsSlayers armor was so much fire reesistent and he charged throo the flames and blasted magic into the dragon and wile the dragon was stuned he pulled his sored up with both of his hands and smashed it into the ground and a bighuge wave of energy blasted into the dragon and cut its head into half and the dragon died and i said "wow that looks oh verey fun and culd you teech me that magic?" and Andre said "well you are of beeing one of my nites now so yes come hear but you wont be verey powerfull magiker untill it is later times bicause you need of training." and i lerned how to make magic energy balls from my palm and i said "oh wow thanks so much Andre!" and than Andre called some of his nites to harvest them dragon bones and than we continued toward to the time river and floted up it and too the renesanse times where we went to the west casseland Andre said" wow looks like hard battelings of hear and wate look theres a note and hears a picture of the note:
and so Me and the Other Guys of Saveing the Yooniverse From Slendertearanny deesided to go to the future times bicause we deesided to go there first for looking bicause it was verey suspichus note and it said not to go to 2020 so were going to thier first..... and we heded back to the time river but wen we got thier i looked to the bushes beeing on the side of the path and i saw a time river speed boat and i thought "wo i can use that to go oh so much faster throo the time river and get to Future Times so faster then beefour!" and than we got in the Time River Speed Boat and speeded off to the Future Times.....
a showing exampler of are content on are wiki!!!!!!!!
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Dragon Worshipers
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Rickert the Sogood Nite Guy
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Karl Hanke
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Trial Fiteing Arena
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Trial Fiteing Arena
created by Readerofslenderblogs 2 days agoNew page: the Trial Fiteing Arena is the place of where Trial Nites fite new reecroots that want too beecome DragonsSlayer Nites and its a big grate colusseeum... -
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Generalguy Yoolisses S. Grant
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Generalguy Yoolisses S. Grant
created by Readerofslenderblogs 3 days agoNew page: Yoolisses was the Generalguy of the US Army or nown as the union in longago times of the Civil War and he is a good grate leeder and an incredibal... -
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created by Readerofslenderblogs 3 days agoNew page: the Trial Nites are the guys of the DragonsSlayers Nites who do a trial that gives peepel entrance to the DragonsSlayers Nites and theyre so ekselent... Added photo: -
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Andre the Blacksmith Spechel Nite Leeder Guy
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edited by Readerofslenderblogs 4 days ago -
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edited by Readerofslenderblogs 4 days ago -
Midevil Times
edited by Readerofslenderblogs 4 days agoAdded photo: -
Midevil Times
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edited by Readerofslenderblogs 4 days agoAdded photo: -
edited by Readerofslenderblogs 4 days agoAdded photo: -
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Karl Hanke
edited by A Wikia contributor 4 days ago
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