Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the headerofthisslenderspirasy or mabee maney slenderspiracys...

onto being on the other side of the dor was hinerick himler or called to be the head of the ss but most peepel think that the ss is of meening shutstafle but it in realnes meens secret conspiracyofslender or called to be as ss hinerick said "so we meat for the first time and in ainchent times of rome helloe how are you doing to it?" i said "wy are you heading of this conspirasy and also how did you get to hear thees ainchenttimes in beeing rome" hinerick said "im doing of this bicause you killed mine furer, and also im hear and you prabubly herd that i killed myself but that isnt troo or for rela i actualy shot mineself with a tiem traveling gun that telported my sole to a other body that looked to be the same and killed my old body to ded then i came hear..." i said "wy come hear and not go some other place ot get of youre slenderspirasy leaded up" hinerick said "well ill tel you wy i made of my disishun to came to hear i did it bicause   ther is a maneyhuge armie of huglypowerful beests in this hear place of ainchent rome as i know you sean and now no that thier not to be miths now stop tawking youre deth has come to you!" he puled on a lever being nekst to him and it opened a gate in the back of his throneroom i tried to cut of him but he used a teleportal ohsofastely and got away and out of the gate came a minotore jumped out it tried to cut me up with its hugebig swordblade wepin i blocked it with my miror and slashed at the minotore wile shertlock homes shot with his magnifing glas the batle was ended to it after a few minutes and the minotore was killed ded but we had to find himler than we herd a noize behind us it was himler checking to see if who had won of it. he saw that the minotaur lost and tried to use the teleportzal but shelrock shot to it and broke it himler deesided to give up on fleeing and got to the fiteing of us he transformed into his troo form or known to be megarikefurerhimmler...

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