sooperdooperrikefurerhimler looked to be of a bigbad monster or to be known a hydra from ledgends that are known now to be reel "hahahahah you see i got of a masheen when i got into this hear ainchent rome and i used it to increes my powers of to kill you what was the masheen well ill tell you it was a sooperdoopermonsterburner! it was like to be my megajooburner but it gets me of sooperdooperpower insted of megapower wich is being of weeker your prabubly knoeing that it burns up monsters!!!" sooperdooperrikefurerhimler said. i said "shut up lets battleing of it guys!" we all charged to the hydramonster and did a sttaberslaesherbullette assalt onto the eveil monster sooperdooperrikefurerhimler said "hahahhahaahahha if youll be thinking ill hurt of it your not very smart wach this dumb idiots" and than all the parts of him being off of him came to grow back but now their where more being on him!!! he said "keep fiteing of it youll make me better!!! oh wait i shud kill you all and put you to be in pieces that are in ovens to take of your powers hahahahahahaha thats a gud idea!" and then the badevil monster attacked by biteing at us i blocked it al with my miror and we lunched a other asalt and he got more powerful and more danjerus after it i saiid "hey we need a megasooper batel plan to beet him dead!!!!!!" tir said "hey i have a idea to mortaly destroy him we shud-" but then the sooperdooperrikefurerhimler monster brethed it's kilingpoisenbreathe onto him and noked him to be out i said "no we needed that good batel plan wate i have a other how about we make it smell to its own breathe or to be known as a taest of it's own medicine!" sherlock says "how to do of that helper?" isaid "hear wach this hear" and i jumpd upto the hed of the badevil monster and grabed it head and put it too the other being next to it the other next to it hed died to dead and i said "ha take that mr. invincible guy!!!" me and sherlock did this way of killing til the monster of badevil had one head left on the bodie of his and i said "now what to do of it" wile dojing an clawslaesh attak sherlock said "heywatch this and shot bullettes into the sooperdooperevil monster poisen sack and it poisened the rest of the monster hahah how eazie to kill and dumb of it.beefour he died to dead he said "well hahah im a dieverzion and wile were talikng my gud frend and also the prezident of you or to be known as slenderthooloo is cilling your frends dumiddiot!" and he stoped liveing...
"oh no lets get to the help them" i said and then we left to the times to help them but beefour that we sent tir back home.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
i asked of megarikefurerhimler "how did you turn to this badevil monster of killing many people in this crazy world that is being before the worldofslender" he said "me and my vereygud frend and megafurer hitler were killing of maney lots of joos to fuel are megajooburner we had a pipe comeing out from them that conekted to us and gave us mega energys... now preepair for your ultimet demeyes!"
megarikefurerhimler charged to me and brought of a energybattelsored from thin air and slashed at me with it sherlock homes shot to himler and said "hey ill fite him reel hard you summon help!" i said "ok ill get who i can get to heklp of us" i stated to use my richooel fone to get guys that can be onto the side we are on and the first guy and tir a god of norseing anserd my call when i told him of are sichuashun he attached a biggrate sored to his mising hand stump and pored time river juice onto his head after that he made to be next to me i said "wo how did that hapen to you?" he said "ill tell to you that things later now lets fite!" and tir made his sored burst to flames and charged to slash of megarikefurerhimler i folowed to him with my sored out of it's holding. with a megabig flureyhailrane of slashes and also maney bullets we hurt the megarikefurer himself verybadley but he had tricks up of his sleave he took out a badburning oven and put it on tir trying to take of his megagodpowers but tir was two strong and had his powers deestoy of the oven bufour it took his powers away. than himler sprayed gas at us to thry and kll us like joos but where much beterly powerful to joos and it dint kill us and shelock got a shoot onto himler he said "ow my hurtingness you did of me you varybad guy sherlock hey figure this out mistureedetektive how quickly you can be dead from this!!!!" and he shot blue megaeyebeems from his eyes wich hit sherlock and loked very bad and paneful. tir said "ill use my godful powers to defend and heel to him you fite himler all bye youslef!" i said "ok make sure he isnet dead for alltimes!" and ran to fite megarikefurerhimler iswung my blade in the way that is of ihimler and he blocked to it with his megaenergyfiteingsored and shot gas at me i got to a diferent place and that was not gassed and said "hahahaha your so bad for this i am laffing so hard and much" and he got angrie and made a misstake that let me stab him it hurt him much so he said "ok thats being it im going to show to you my verytrooley trootrooform or to known as also sooperdooperrikefurerhimler!!!!" and he got togehter many lots of enurjy pertikels together in his bodie and used of the to transform into a beast. tir and sherlock where done of the heelings and joined me agen to fite this new and danjeros fo me and shelock homes and the nors god tir have to do of a lot of work to fite this badevil now... i hope we dont die.
megarikefurerhimler charged to me and brought of a energybattelsored from thin air and slashed at me with it sherlock homes shot to himler and said "hey ill fite him reel hard you summon help!" i said "ok ill get who i can get to heklp of us" i stated to use my richooel fone to get guys that can be onto the side we are on and the first guy and tir a god of norseing anserd my call when i told him of are sichuashun he attached a biggrate sored to his mising hand stump and pored time river juice onto his head after that he made to be next to me i said "wo how did that hapen to you?" he said "ill tell to you that things later now lets fite!" and tir made his sored burst to flames and charged to slash of megarikefurerhimler i folowed to him with my sored out of it's holding. with a megabig flureyhailrane of slashes and also maney bullets we hurt the megarikefurer himself verybadley but he had tricks up of his sleave he took out a badburning oven and put it on tir trying to take of his megagodpowers but tir was two strong and had his powers deestoy of the oven bufour it took his powers away. than himler sprayed gas at us to thry and kll us like joos but where much beterly powerful to joos and it dint kill us and shelock got a shoot onto himler he said "ow my hurtingness you did of me you varybad guy sherlock hey figure this out mistureedetektive how quickly you can be dead from this!!!!" and he shot blue megaeyebeems from his eyes wich hit sherlock and loked very bad and paneful. tir said "ill use my godful powers to defend and heel to him you fite himler all bye youslef!" i said "ok make sure he isnet dead for alltimes!" and ran to fite megarikefurerhimler iswung my blade in the way that is of ihimler and he blocked to it with his megaenergyfiteingsored and shot gas at me i got to a diferent place and that was not gassed and said "hahahaha your so bad for this i am laffing so hard and much" and he got angrie and made a misstake that let me stab him it hurt him much so he said "ok thats being it im going to show to you my verytrooley trootrooform or to known as also sooperdooperrikefurerhimler!!!!" and he got togehter many lots of enurjy pertikels together in his bodie and used of the to transform into a beast. tir and sherlock where done of the heelings and joined me agen to fite this new and danjeros fo me and shelock homes and the nors god tir have to do of a lot of work to fite this badevil now... i hope we dont die.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
the headerofthisslenderspirasy or mabee maney slenderspiracys...
onto being on the other side of the dor was hinerick himler or called to be the head of the ss but most peepel think that the ss is of meening shutstafle but it in realnes meens secret conspiracyofslender or called to be as ss hinerick said "so we meat for the first time and in ainchent times of rome helloe how are you doing to it?" i said "wy are you heading of this conspirasy and also how did you get to hear thees ainchenttimes in beeing rome" hinerick said "im doing of this bicause you killed mine furer, and also im hear and you prabubly herd that i killed myself but that isnt troo or for rela i actualy shot mineself with a tiem traveling gun that telported my sole to a other body that looked to be the same and killed my old body to ded then i came hear..." i said "wy come hear and not go some other place ot get of youre slenderspirasy leaded up" hinerick said "well ill tel you wy i made of my disishun to came to hear i did it bicause ther is a maneyhuge armie of huglypowerful beests in this hear place of ainchent rome as i know you sean and now no that thier not to be miths now stop tawking youre deth has come to you!" he puled on a lever being nekst to him and it opened a gate in the back of his throneroom i tried to cut of him but he used a teleportal ohsofastely and got away and out of the gate came a minotore jumped out it tried to cut me up with its hugebig swordblade wepin i blocked it with my miror and slashed at the minotore wile shertlock homes shot with his magnifing glas the batle was ended to it after a few minutes and the minotore was killed ded but we had to find himler than we herd a noize behind us it was himler checking to see if who had won of it. he saw that the minotaur lost and tried to use the teleportzal but shelrock shot to it and broke it himler deesided to give up on fleeing and got to the fiteing of us he transformed into his troo form or known to be megarikefurerhimmler...
the happens on after the dying of the missteeriousslenderman
after were ataked by th emisteeriousslenderman i and sherlok weant to serch of the castle building there where many lots of ainchent monsters on the way to it but we fought of it ohsovery hard and manedged to kill the mall to being dead for altimes... the togethering of my sword and miror did maney goods with the magnifing glas of mistur homes we were a forse to be rekuned with and wehn we finaly got to being at the end of the verey0largeandbig cassel we saw a big door and it was verey hard to pull so it could be open but we did it and saw the guy that headed to the slenderspiracy or too bee knwn as the slenderspirasyheaderguy...
Thursday, May 24, 2012
what was ekisting to the castle in it
when walking in of the castle i saw a missteeriousslenderman a slenderman not being to the prezident or of an cthulu... it charged forward to me and attack with a tree that it ripped out of the ground the missteeriousslenderman he tried impale of me with a tree that he had ripped up to out of the ground. he also tried to holow out my stomak after but sherlock shot to him and hurt him so he stopped to it i slashed hiom with my sword of fiteing and he died huh that was vereymaney wierds....
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
we following of to the path to getting to the spiracy header dood
we followed to the path and got for a while along the path of it i asked of sherlok homes wat he was doing in here times of anchent rome but he woudnt tell of it... we where following to going along the tracks wen an medusa attaked us sjerlock homes took out his favorite magnifing glas and turned of it around he said "dont look at her shell make to you to stone!" his magnifing glas was also a masheen gun and he shot to for medusa in the head makeing her blead all to the place i looked away of her and saw a sword and a mirror on the ground i picked them up to fite to her dead i looked in the mirror and saw her chargeing to me. i put my miror to be beehind my back and blocked of her atak i closed my eyes and turned around for hitting her and cut her up in the chest it hurt her alot i opened mmy eyes to see her in my verytruley helpful mirir she was hurt bad but not dead of it yet! sherlock homes needed to reeload and told me "hold of the monster medusa who is attaking of us!" i said "okay im comeing over to help you!"i blocked an attak heding for homes and slashed to medusa again it hurt her two but she stil didnt stop liveing or known to be die! medusa got away for a little bit of time too heel and sjerlock homes got his gun to have moer ammo to shute and he shot medusa in the neck her head came off and she died to death sherlock asid "hey take her head and use of it as a megastoneing waepon it will stop people to rock!!!" i took her head and put it into my back pack than i said "ok lets be going down the path again" after a long amount of tmes we got to the end of the tracks i looked up and saw a vary big castle bulding!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
names of the good guys posting good musics and blogs:
they deeleeted for the guys goodandgreat band!!!
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Dave_o_rama Metal newbie Joined: 03 Aug 2011 10:54 Posts: 291 Location: United States |
alexshelperofalex Mallcore Kid Joined: 22 May 2012 13:07 Posts: 2 |
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Metantoine Prince of the Black Sun Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:00 pm Posts: 2865 Location: Québec |
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wow look at all the fans being of me and alex and the gang that posted it hear!!!
i wrote some of these reed to them doods! |
22 May 2012 13:21
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22 May 2012 13:20
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22 May 2012 13:19
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22 May 2012 13:19
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22 May 2012 13:18
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22 May 2012 13:18
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22 May 2012 13:17
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22 May 2012 13:16
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22 May 2012 13:15
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22 May 2012 13:15
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22 May 2012 13:13
listen to this band and reed of this blog! |
21 May 2012 16:26
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