i;m ntakey and got kicked for so stooped reesons
- Devincooper64half of their discography is hated by critics
12:15CreepyMorefedoraHey guys, the Rock and Roll hall of fame is a big fucking joke anyway
12:15Devincooper64and they havent been relevant for about 20 years
- well yeah it is
12:16CreepyMorefedoraDef Leperd still isnt in it I think
12:16Devincooper64since Madonna is in it
- and MJ
12:16TheCookedRicenot many people on ._.
12:16Mr Outrageoushi
12:16CreepyMorefedoraIts the goddamn ROCK AND ROLL hall of fame
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
12:17NTakey1971hwey guys for chating it
12:17Devincooper64The hall is a major joke, but its still depressing to know a lot of good acts arent in it
- I mean, it took 30 years for rush to get in
12:17Fatal DiseaseThe hall is a joke.
- Kill1mes has joined the chat.
12:17TheCookedRiceQueen, one of the best bands ever (in my opinion)
12:17Fatal DiseaseThey deny good artists, like Deep Purple, and such.
- Avenging Angel has joined the chat.
12:17CreepyMorefedoraI really wish Rush would have rejected their nomination would've been the biggest kick in the balls the hall would have ever gotten
12:17Fatal DiseaseWhile they bring in Nirvana.
12:17WhyAmIReadingThisHi Kill, Agnel
12:17Kill1mesHey Cally, Hey AA
12:17Kill1mesHey Nick
12:17Fatal DiseaseSure, Nirvana is good in my opinion.
12:17Kill1mesHow are you?
12:17WhyAmIReadingThisNirvana wasn't bad, I think
12:17Avenging Angelayy lmao :^)
12:18Devincooper64Nirvana had a bigger impact than Deep Purple, which I think is why there in
12:18Avenging Angelle dadrockers
12:18WhyAmIReadingThisI'm good, Kill!
12:18Fatal DiseaseBut, not really in modern times of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
12:18Devincooper64Heyo kill
12:18WhyAmIReadingThisWe just had a two hours discussion about a lot of topics
12:18CreepyMorefedoraDeep Purple was such an influence band
12:18Kill1mesGood to hear.
12:18WhyAmIReadingThisIt was awesome
12:18Kill1mesHey Dev
- What's up?
12:18NTakey1971hi angel
12:18DeadWabbit15Hey Kill
12:18WhyAmIReadingThisWhat aobut you, Kill?
12:18NTakey1971hi kill
12:18Devincooper64Well, we just talked about the death penalty
12:18TheCookedRiceik, Lynyrd Skynyrn, Pink Flowd, Nirvana, Boston, I could go all day (maybe)
12:18Kill1mesOh damn, and I missed it?
12:18Devincooper64I have a pony avatar
- wait.
12:18DeadWabbit15What happened to Silverspots?
12:18Devincooper64PINK FLOYD ISNT IN!?
12:18Devincooper64WHAT IS THIS
12:18Avenging Angelkill is death?!?!?!?!
12:18Kill1mesI felt like moving back to Kill
- BelowXero has joined the chat.
12:18Kill1mesKill is deth
12:18NTakey1971sorry for missing it wehn you alls showed up
12:18CreepyMorefedoraI think pink floyd is in it
12:18NTakey1971hi xero
12:18Kill1mes* Kill1mes deaths AA
12:18WhyAmIReadingThisWelcome back Xero
12:19Avenging AngelB^(
12:19DeadWabbit15wb 0
12:19Mr OutrageousI got vaccinations in school today
12:19Kill1mesI don't think I'm ever gonna change this avatar
- It's been here too long
12:19DeadWabbit15It's a classic
12:19Kill1mesto change
12:19TheCookedRicexero, we're talking about 70's and 80's bands. Basically Classic Rock
12:19Avenging Angelthink how I feel about mine, kill
12:19Kill1mesHow long have you had that one?
12:19CreepyMorefedoraWhat if I told you that Rush inspired metal?
12:19DeadWabbit15That's how I feel about mine
12:19Avenging Angelover two years
12:20ShawnHowellsCPYou would be wrong, creepy
12:20Devincooper64It was Led Zeppelin that inspired it
- along with deep purple
12:20Kill1mesI'm pretty sure I hd mine since early 1013
12:20TheCookedRiceI found a silly band today, it's the form of a duck. I named it Codo
12:20Devincooper64def leapord
12:20Mr Outrageousnow my arms hurt and I'm really tired
12:20Devincooper64and a few other acts
12:20CreepyMorefedoraRush inspired a number of thrash metal heads
12:20ShawnHowellsCPBlack sabbath invented metal, influenced barely by led zepplin
12:20BelowXeroI forget, were the beach boys from the 70's/80's or the 90's?
12:20Avenging Angel1013
12:20NTakey1971hey you guys shuld lissen to so cool bands like thishttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCcQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D827SjYdZBxg&ei=R38LU8nYGKPk0wHOyoHwCQ&usg=AFQjCNHEwD0BYXCwIqI1CiqW-gH7cOP8YA&sig2=gmCYruKS9ieQtuQbui3gUg&bvm=bv.61725948,d.dmQ
12:20Avenging Angelkill is ancient
- Takey
12:20Kill1mesTinyurl pls
12:20Fatal DiseaseNo.
12:20Devincooper64please use tinyurl
12:20TheCookedRicewait, did i forget to write Led Zepplin?!
12:20Kill1mesI m older than the universe itself
- am*
12:20TheCookedRicethat's old
12:20Fatal DiseaseLed Zeppilin is in the RRHF
12:20Kill1mesAnd still can't spell
- :(
12:20WhyAmIReadingThisI think that the bands that inspire something aren't as important as the actual bands. The actual ones are the ones that define if a genre is good
- Darkperson5 has joined the chat.
12:20BelowXeroLed's from the 70's
12:20CreepyMorefedorahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtK-7w0PFG0 This one song alone speaks pre-thrash metal
12:20Avenging Angelbut can you spill? ;)
12:21TheCookedRiceand a bit of 80's im sure
12:21Kill1mesoye bby
12:21Avenging Angelspill the kill
12:21Kill1mes* Kill1mes spills everywhere
12:21Avenging Angelme everyday
12:21Devincooper64Well Nirvana defined grunge, are overrated as hell, have a diamond certified release, and shaped the music industry
12:21Avenging Angel/me
12:21TheCookedRicehey xero, can i be the one to do the honor of killing you this episode?
12:21Avenging Angeloh crap how do I do the actions
- You have been kicked by Fatal Disease.
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