my camera got shot by a megapowerblast of karl hanke earlier so now pictures can be taken and no v logs or known to be as video blogs.... i got one picture of sooperpoweredhardfiterhanke and hear it is:
"hahahahah how varey so stupid of you karl hanke you bigbad ss header and also known to be secret conspirasyofslender header guy all you did was change to bee green instead of beeing red hahahahahah!!!!" i said.
"if all i did was come to be green than eksplane how come i can use this new power that i didnt have before?"
gSooperpoweredhardfiterhank said and than he shot maneyofpowers vines from the ground and hit leeonardo wich trapped him down to the ground and also covere d up his mouth and it was after hank did that that he said "now that big stupid leeonardo da vinchi wont tell you my new weeknes wich has changed now and also take that!!!!!" and when that stupid guy shut up he shot poison ivy out of his hands at us and mars said "hey move you moron well get poisoned and dye!" and he pushed me out of the way of the ohsobadpoison that is made of ivy and we lunched are asalt onto the enemy of Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank. i slashed at him and said" take that you big dumb ol sooper powered nazi guy!!!" but he put up a wall of vines beefour my attak hit him and blocked it. mars shot war beams from his fingertips and strongblasted them vines out of the whey and then i got a ray of sunlight to come to my miror and bounce over to Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank and into hi eyes wich made not able to see things and that made mars take a bigstrong swing of his battelaks into Sooperpoweredhardfiterhanks face and then he fell over..... mars said "hey dumbguy did we win?" i said "i dont knoe" and than i turned around and saw that leeeo was still rapped up bye vines and i said "be carefull hes still alive and also not ded...." mars was about to swing his battelwinningorsoitseemed battelaks into Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank when he was blasted veryfaritlookedlikeamile back by a green energy blast from that guy Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank. and hank said "mwahahahahahah you thought that could kill me you you so stupids well think agen-" but then i shut his face up with my sored into his stomak and he was so suprised that leeonardos vines got loser and he yelled "the weaknes of this vareystupidandalsocleerleynotsmart is fire!!!!" and i took out my sored of his stomak and lit my sored onto fire with turpentine and slashed at Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank towards his sooperpoweredhardfiteing face but he moved and dodged so verey fast and got away from that there slash and i said "wait guys i have a idea and hear it is this should be unblockible!!!" and then i made a triforse out from thin air like this:
▲ ▲
and then i set it on fire with turpentine and shot it out at Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank and he was deefeated and i said "yes that was so cool like that one time i did that same verey thing accept without turpentine to the meesenjer!!!!" but then after the body of Sooperpoweredhardfiterhank stopped burning all up he got up and reached behind his back and brought out Gungnir the speer of the god who is odin and he than grew into his next form , Ultrapowernorsgodpowerkarlhank.......
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