Saturday, June 16, 2012
fiteing through the west cassel to get too the new ss header guy
we charged into the biggrand west castle and went into the west castle place i said "ok now we get to going to the throne room of the place for heading the ss now!" we let out a battle crie "aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!" and than we went to fiteing all the way too the top or nown to being the throne room. an long the way we fote many badevils of monsters and it was a ultrac halenjing battelings...... at the end of all of the sooperdifikult batles we got to the throne room the place that the ss header sits i said "ok guys hear we are in the throme room entrence before it and we get to go fite of the ss header lets do it!!!" mars said "yeah whatever lets kill some peeple!" and leeo said "lets go" and we went into that there throme room. inside of it was a waypowerfull kimera and i said "whoa is this that thier ss header guy lets kill her" and i slashed the ssheaderkimera with my sored and cut at the snake because it was a hugepowerfuller poisener and that can hurt but it didnt dye and it bit at leeonardo and i blocked it at the last secoond with a hugenourmous blocking of it with my miror and than i cut the snake again and cut all the way throo it and it died rite than and thier but we still had maney bad problems: the rest of the kimera. mars blasted the kimera lion in the face with war enurgee powerbeams and said "quick attak the goat wile its stuned!" beefour i culd cut up the goat head with a flurey of stabslashcutattacking the goat hit me with wayenurgee elektrik breathe i went flying throo the air and hit a wall and my vision got blurey and throo my blurey vision i saw the kimera hard attaking mars with it's claws and i tried to get up to stop it but i was to hurt but good to know leeonardo da vinchi stoped of the atack on mars with his lazerpaintingsored by cutting at the lion and she was hurt and turned to attak leeonardo and than mars came to my ade and gave me a heeling blast that got me back up and we chardged to the kimera and mars cut off the goathead with his soopergodbatleaxe and than said "hahhaahahahahhaha now youre just a big lion hahahahahah" leeonardo tried to attak the lioness but was hit too the side bye a bighuge claw of hers and than i saw that the kimera was distrakted and i did a spinning slasher asalt and killed her dead i said "ok now i deefeated the new evill ss header guy this hear kimera huh how did a bigevil monster with hugebad claws rite the letter oh well iguess its a misturee...." than all of us guys whoo just kiled the kimera were about to leeve when wee herad a voise say "no you bigdumbguy im the ss leader rikesfurer guy me karl hanke i took over after himler timerivergunned to ainchent rome and you killed him. now get ready for my ohsoevil badkilling venjence!" and i saw the guy who was karl hanke who also took over after himler in natsi jermaney (hahahahahah oops i should have seen that comeing) it was karl hanke whoo was actualy the new ssheader: waybadssheaderkarlhank.....
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