Monday, June 18, 2012


waybadssheaderkarlhank said" hahahahahah im the realandvereytrue new ssheader you big ol nincumpoop!" i said "then shut up and lets get two the ultradeathing of you!" and i started to charge two him but he said "wait dont you want two hear my story well hear it is: after himler went to ainchent rome to head up the secret conspirasyofslender in those times before that he told me of the plans and said i was in charge after his time travelling to ainchent rome and then the allys won in world war partii and i jumped into the time river and swan two maney parts of all the times and saw maney grate expeerienses and learned maney powers and now im more powerfuller then himler ever was hahahahahahah but he was still powerfull but im better and i bet i can kill you without switching forms bicause i am a grate sored fiter and i learned of my skills in sored fiteing in the palce called the midevil times and now that you  have my storie lets battel to the death!" he took out a sored that was wayglowing red and was reely powerfull looking and charged to mars with a slash. mars tried to hit     waybadssheaderkarlhank with an battleaxe hardhit but karl was ohso fast and pairryed the hit and than stabed to mars but i blocked the blow with my miror and it made my miror go fastflying out of my hand from how hard the blow was beeing. i said "wow you are reel good but mars is not good hes god hahahaah and thats probably beyyer then you show him mars!" mars shot war beams from his eyes too karl hanke and it hurt hanke vary bad and he said "ow that hurt but ive got this" he dashed forwurd with his redglowsored and megastabed mars throo the stomack and the arm it hurt mars and leeonardo cut off karl hankes arm off and waybadssheaderkarlhank said "hahahahaah wach this" and his arm rejenerated "woa" i said and than i cut off his arm too off again and it regenerated again he said "hahahahahhhah in my normal form ive got hydra blood dumb guys" and did a ultraspinbladehitter onto all of us guys of fiteing him mars said "hey guy hydras are grateweak to fire you idiots!" and he used his battleaxe to cut off of his arm and shot firewarbeams at the stumnp of that karls arm and karl said "owwww well i guess i shuld change forsm now and he switched too his next form............................. the sooper more powerfuller newmegamegarikesfurerhank

Saturday, June 16, 2012

fiteing through the west cassel to get too the new ss header guy

we charged into the biggrand west castle and went into the west castle place i said "ok now we get to going to the throne room of the place for heading the ss now!" we let out a battle crie "aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!" and than we went to fiteing all the way too the top or nown to being the throne room. an long the way we fote many badevils of monsters and it was a ultrac halenjing battelings...... at the end of all of the sooperdifikult batles we got to the throne room the place that the ss header sits i said "ok guys hear we are in the throme room entrence before it and we get to go fite of the ss header lets do it!!!" mars said "yeah whatever lets kill some peeple!" and leeo said "lets go" and we went into that there throme room. inside of it was a waypowerfull kimera and i said "whoa is this that thier ss header guy lets kill her" and i slashed the ssheaderkimera with my sored and cut at the snake because it was a hugepowerfuller poisener and that can hurt but it didnt dye and it bit at leeonardo and i blocked it at the last secoond with a hugenourmous blocking of it with my miror and than i cut the snake again and cut all the way throo it and it died rite than and thier but we still had maney bad problems: the rest of the kimera. mars blasted the kimera lion in the face with war enurgee powerbeams and said "quick attak the goat wile its stuned!" beefour i culd cut up the goat head with a flurey of stabslashcutattacking the goat hit me with wayenurgee elektrik breathe i went flying throo the air and hit a wall and my vision got blurey and throo my blurey vision i saw the kimera hard attaking mars with it's claws and i tried to get up to stop it but i was to hurt but good to know leeonardo da vinchi stoped of the atack on mars with his lazerpaintingsored by cutting at the lion and she was hurt and turned to attak leeonardo and than mars came to my ade and gave me a heeling blast that got me back up and we chardged to the kimera and mars cut off the goathead with his soopergodbatleaxe and than said "hahhaahahahahhaha now youre just a big lion  hahahahahah" leeonardo tried to attak the lioness but was hit too the side bye a bighuge claw of hers and than i saw that the kimera was distrakted and i did a spinning slasher asalt and killed her dead i said "ok now i deefeated the new evill ss header guy this hear kimera huh how did a bigevil monster with hugebad claws rite the letter oh well iguess its a misturee...." than all of us guys whoo just kiled the kimera were about to leeve when wee herad a voise say "no you bigdumbguy im the ss leader rikesfurer guy me karl hanke i took over after himler timerivergunned to ainchent rome and you killed him. now get ready for my ohsoevil badkilling venjence!" and i saw the guy who was karl hanke who also took over after himler in natsi jermaney (hahahahahah oops i should have seen that comeing) it was karl hanke whoo was actualy the new ssheader: waybadssheaderkarlhank.....

Thursday, June 14, 2012

the megaarmerfull soljur fiteing to them

i and mars and leeonardo da vinchi charged to the batleing happening in front of us i was stabing the soljur thast i was fiteing and that was makeing him dead when i said "hey guys there are a wholebiglot of them got any tricks that are up youre sleaves?" leeonardo said "well ive got something but it needs to charge up holed on and cover me!" mars used war beams from his eyes and killed too of them and rushed to portect of leeonardo. i tried to goe help leeo to but my path was beeing blocked by a wholelarge group of megaarmerfull soljurs. i said "darn leeonardo i need to fite these guys to dead your going to onlie get help from mars" and i slashed with my sored and killed 3 of the soljurs rite their and then i looked over to my teemates over wile leeos chargeing was happening and saw mars get nocked down i said "no!" and had a waybig leep over the group of soljurs in the front of my place where i was beeing. i got there justin time to block a sooperstrong sored slaesh from the guy about to hit leeonardo with my miror and than i made reelybighuge ray of lite hit 70 megaarmerfull soljurs in the eyes and did a wayhuge sored slash to the stuned soljurs and i killed them all the way to the gerim reeper hahahahahahah. but their where still ohsomaney left.......lukely at that momint leeonardo da vinchi said "hey guys im done chargeing my wepon stand back!" and me and mars layed down and crawled bacxkwords and than leeonardos paintbrushsoredoflite got megaleyhuger and he swung it reel hard and all of a suden the whole half of the armey in the front of him where all cut into maney peeces! "wow that was a good shot!" and leeonarrdo said "well my sored has to recharge for seventean ours now and i can still use of it in that time but not a big shot like that ok lets fite them all back to where they came from hahahahahahahaha!" and all of the 3 of us charged into the battel again mars swung his batelaxe into 4 of them wile shuteing warbeams into 7 of them killing 12 of them and i chardged with my miror up and blindstuned 5 of them and than killed those 5 and leeonardo slammed his sored into the ground with ohsomuch forse that 6 died rite their. after maney ours we where winning and their were onlie 24 left and they said "wow were not going to win without an secret wepon reeleese the syclops!" is stabed the guy who said that and then me and leeonardo and mars moped the floor of the outside of the west castel with the other 21 of them. but a syclops hit leeo nocking him to not beeing conshus! it shot a lazer beem from it's eye into mars and he said "ow i need to heel your going to have to fite this battel alone dood!" i jumped on it's back and the dumb old syclop[s dint even notise hahahaahaha how varyruley stoopid of it! i stabbed it in the face waylots of times until it was hurt alot and through me off of it it than shot a lazereyebeam to me but i roled to the syed and it mised but a rock hit me in the back and hurt me i ignored the bleading pane in my back and stabed the dumb old sycolps in the foot pining him down and than i woke leeo up to fite the monster and walked into marss cloud of heeling enurgy and got my bleading stopped wile waching the battel of the syclops and the guy leeonardo da vinchi it was a short battel but it was also varey bloodie the syclops punched leeonardo but the punch sent him flying but not dead leeonardo ran up to the syclops and was almost punched but cut off a arm and a leg with one slash and the syclops fell down and blooded everywhere it yelled in paine beefour leeonardo da vinchi cut off it's head and tore out it's eyebell and than after the battel he gave the eyeball too me and said "hear this can be used to fite and shute lazers" when we where all heeled up we went to take off helmit of a magaarmerfull soljur the face of the soljur was blank like an slenderman i said "huh thats a greatleywierd thing to be happening oh well..." and than we went into the west cassel.......

Monday, June 11, 2012

assalt on the foretres west castle place in vanise and were going to the place of finding the letter riter that was sent too me.....

wee went back to the west castle and wee saw a hole lot of megaarmerfull soljurs wateing for us and than the guy nown as leeonardo da vinchi are frend of fiteing the ss now and for forevertimes used his forsesheeld dicenteggratoer masheen to disablegrate the forsesheeld and than we chardged to battel wtih the megaarmerfull soljurs. this will be a toughstrongandhard battel.

Friday, June 8, 2012

leeonardo da vinchi

wee weant too the house of the inventoer guy leeonardo da vinchi but the wasnet in theyre so wee deesided to ask where he weant to the peepel that where outside of his liveinghome and they said there was a guy that was and asasin that he had a meating with so i had two wate....... i wated and than he got thier and then i taked to him and than i said "hey will you help of me in my ultimet queest of slendervengeanse?" and leeonardo said "yeah ok ive got nothing that is gooder to be doing." and i asked him "hey can you make me a forsesheeld dicenteggratoer masheen?" leeo said "ok but i want too help you in your attak of the place with the forsesheeld that you need dicenteggrated i can fite reel good look at this wepin i made" he took out a paintbrush and i said "its just a planebloreing paintbrush leeo..." and he said "wach" he preesed a buttun on the side and a lazer energy sored was what the paintbrush was than i said "whoa that looks mega powerfull you can join too my teem" and then we weant back to the west castle

the west castle of the secret lair of bad guy ss headrer

i went into the west part of venise and saw a wayhuenormus castle and i said to mars "hey hears the castle that we looked for now" mars said "time to kill them all to dead!!!!!" and he charged to the castle and than he was nocked away by a varypower forsesheeld and he said "oh no this is muchpowering how are we going to get through this hear?" i tried and couldnet get through it eeether so i said "hey i no a guy who is doing great good with things that are like this and we shuld go get him he is nown as leonardo da vinchi and we shud get his helpe!" so we went to go too that da vinchi guy.......

Thursday, June 7, 2012

hey check out this wiki site!!!

  • LovethedesuNo, It has cleaning.avi
  • 2:29TemmingtonNo it's Clean.avi
  • 2:29Tempest-FennacI'm going to bed soon. Goodnight.
  • 2:29CrazyFerretgnight
  • 2:29Temmington
  • 2:30LovethedesuOkay, so you're right.
  • 2:30CrazyFerretIS that site a joke?
  • 2:30TemmingtonYea
  • 2:30CrazyFerretGood lol
  • 2:30TemmingtonI can tell, it's a sink not a washing machine
  • Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki chat and daycare center 
  • 2:31TemmingtonAnd they only have one video
  • 2:31ALEXSHELPERhey guys whats on of it?
  • 2:31WolfenmausMust... eat... clam chowder...
  • Wolfenmaus has left the chat. 
  • 2:31ALEXSHELPERbye wolf
  • 2:31Sonicstar3000I was still reading the rules xD
  • I do it almost every time I come on chat :) XD
  • 2:31Dream HackedWelcome Alex
  • 2:31CrazyFerret Makes me sad how true this is ;p
  • 2:31TemmingtonI am so hungry
  • 2:32ALEXSHELPERwhats been going to it in this chat sinse i was hear a wile ago?\
  • 2:32LovethedesuWell, actually, no, The site is supposed to be a realization trigger, something to make you change
  • 2:32StabbyStabIt came back on topic
  • 2:32CrazyFerretAbnormal Sexuality? what does that even mean lol
  • 2:33TemmingtonNot Normal Fetishes
  • Or something
  • Gregornik has joined the chat. 
  • 2:33ALEXSHELPERhey you guys should look at my and SlenderSlayer's wiki its this hear one:
  • 2:33LovethedesuPretty much what Ming said.
  • 2:33GenericNickNamewhats normal about any kind of fetish? harmless or not?
  • 2:33CrazyFerretAbnormal sexuality could mean different things to different people
  • 2:33ALEXSHELPERbye guys

what the hek this is waybad why did they doo of thuis?

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hour going to venice the place with maneylots of waters

we traced the trale of the bad guy for a verey long way to the place where we found him to bee it was the place that was venice the citie with lots and lots of water and i asid "their are two maney peeple in the place hear of vanice we cant see the trale ill split up with you mars and well meet back hear in three ours!" mars said "ok" and we split up i looked through the venise place all the time long but couldnt find him when i meeted up with mars he said "i was attaked but killed them dead real fast with my axe of batteling and warring beems! and then i found this note on the corpce of one of them" he gave me thhe omenus note and i red it it said "hey dont tell the bad enemys of ares that im in this hear castle the onlie castle beeing in the west part of venuce" so wee went to west part of venisce...

the renesanse

i got to the renesanse and said "wow what am i doing in this hear place of renesanse?" and then i called my good frend that is sherlock homes to help me he was busy so he said "sorry im doing stuff and being busy of it can you get someone else?" i said "yeah this misteerius renesanse messaje is prabubly a fake one anyway ill get to the bottom of it..." then i thought for a little bit and got out my richooel summuning phone and called the god known to be mars and he said "hey im got of nothing to do ill join youre teem i guess..........." and he portaled to my side of the call we where being on and joined my time of the renesanse and i said "hey lets go look for this guy of being hear tha tcalled us two hear and lets beet him to almost not liveing anymore and get the answers of him" mars sadi "whatever lets just get this to being done for alltimes." and we used the richooel summuning fones person of badevil finder to track the guy hoo brot us to hear and well find him and get too the bottum of this...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

after the happening of the events in the othwer blogs...

i got to the home of mine belonging and got a leter and it said "hahashahahah im got of the leader of the ss or to be known the secret conspirasyofslender im not telling of you were i am hahahaha!" i thought "oh no i have to stop of this hear injustise!" and the ni realised that i got of a ultrabacktracermasheen and i could backtrac ehis letter........./.. i got it out and put it on the leter when i did it put time river juice onto me and brought me through time itslef to the renesanse.