- GuitarRock
11:11Finn Tracy
11:15Finn Tracy
- Welcome to the Community Central chat
- Monchoman45 has joined the chat.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
the continyooaytion of the Hulk Hogan Adventchure
and the old adventures here:
and the old adventures here:
Thursday, March 6, 2014
- ^ like this
1:53THEFOREVERMANOh. I've Ben to so many online things
- Wikia
- wikipedia
- forums
- all their encoding is different
1:53FlightmareWikia and Wikipedia don't differ much
- Fora usually have BB-markup
- You'll get used to it.
- Welcome to the Community Central chat
1:54ALEXSHELPERhey hows your guys doing
1:55ALEXSHELPERwhy whats going wrong for it?
1:55THEFOREVERMANlongBad long story
1:55ALEXSHELPERive got so many lots of times
- thers break in SlenderWar
1:562ActimvAnd I'm fine
- THEFOREVERMAN has left the chat.
- THEFOREVERMAN has joined the chat.
1:57ALEXSHELPERgood to knnow for you being good 2actimv
- hi again THEFOREVERMAN hahhahahahahahhahaha
1:57THEFOREVERMANBye? I just refresh my page
- your leave and come back for the chat hahaha
1:57THEFOREVERMANI got iPad so it's dumb
- Adi4510 has joined the chat.
1:58THEFOREVERMANi leave to check my messages on Virtual Space and come back and refresh
1:58ALEXSHELPERhi adi251-
- Asmatechnology has joined the chat.
1:58ALEXSHELPERwhy you posted that?
1:59ALEXSHELPERhi As,atecgnology
1:59THEFOREVERMANSo I could look at your wikia page
1:592Actimvyou can also click on his picture in the userslist
- and click on message wall or contributions
- to see it
- Asmatechnology has left the chat.
1:59FlightmareProbably hellish on a tablet
- bye Amatechnology
- THEFOREVERMAN has left the chat.
2:00ALEXSHELPERhahahhah leaving the tab again
- Asmatechnology has joined the chat.
2:00ALEXSHELPERhi asmatechnology your for ipad too and leaveing anf coming back?
- THEFOREVERMAN has joined the chat.
2:01ALEXSHELPERyour see my wikia account
- ?
2:01THEFOREVERMANYou need brackets around it
- Asmatechnology has left the chat.
- Adi4510 has left the chat.
2:02ALEXSHELPERwow Asmatechnology spaming for the caht with his leaveing and comeing back he should be baned
- bye adi4510
2:02THEFOREVERMANWhat Alex? That made no sense
- What just happened?
2:04Super Mironsprzedam opla
2:05ALEXSHELPERAsmatechnology for his spaming with leaveing and comeing back messages
- my real account is here by the wayUser:Readerofslenderblogs
- THEFOREVERMAN has left the chat.
- THEFOREVERMAN has joined the chat.
2:05ALEXSHELPERif you want to intervestigaet me
2:05FlightmareLet's assume they have connection issues.
2:06THEFOREVERMANI haven't even seen that person.
2:06ALEXSHELPERTHEFOREVERMAN is on a ipad not connection issues ahahhahahahhahah pay attaention
- Thisismyrofl has left the chat.
2:06ALEXSHELPERthats my main account is what i said
2:06THEFOREVERMANLol thanks alex
2:06ALEXSHELPERbye thisismyrofl
- MAYA2012 has joined the chat.
2:07FlightmareI guess you should pay more attention to what you are saying yourself
2:07THEFOREVERMANand I wasn't investigating I was seeing what you have done to help
2:07FlightmareAs I was just responding to you bashing a person other than THEFOREVERMAN
- Tyguy.00 has joined the chat.
2:07ALEXSHELPERoh you should see my wiki its rite hear:http://SlenderSlayer.wikia.com
2:07MAYA2012may i ask a question?
2:07THEFOREVERMANI didn't even notice anyone badhing
2:07ALEXSHELPERhi tyguy.00
2:07FlightmareAnd at the same time I think having an iPad is a perfect viable excuse for your connectivity issues.
2:08THEFOREVERMANWait are you saying I'm lying?
2:08ALEXSHELPERno the other guy was spaming and not even saying anything pput that he left and comeing
2:08THEFOREVERMANill take a snapshot of this chat and put it on my blog if you think I'm kying
2:08MAYA2012Hi everybody! can i made a question?
2:08MAYA2012a technical question?
- Sarahanneshea has joined the chat.
2:09MAYA2012i've a Firefox web browser
2:09THEFOREVERMANandmay and?
2:09ALEXSHELPERhi sarahanneshea
2:09Flightmareyou just did
- Sarahanneshea has left the chat.
2:09ALEXSHELPERi do to
- by arahannesgea
2:09MAYA2012but with this i can't see the transparency effect in various wiki
- and wallpaper...
- too
2:10MorphiniciusActim - Are you from Netherlands?
2:10ALEXSHELPERwhat trensperansy efect
2:10MAYA2012with Internet explorer i see all correctly
2:10ALEXSHELPERwhoos actim
2:10MAYA2012sorry for my bad english
2:10FlightmareSo what does it look like in FF, white?
2:10ALEXSHELPERthen use internet explorer hahhahahahah easy fixing of youre problem
2:11FlightmareI wouldn't say IE solves any problems we have
2:11MAYA2012but what is the problem?
- ....
2:11ALEXSHELPERyeah hahahhahh so bad for it browser hahhhahah
2:11FlightmareBut what DO you see in FF?
2:11MAYA2012i see with firefox a standard main page
2:12Tyguy.00Man, Raven is not here
2:12ALEXSHELPERMorphinicius Actims back
- THEFOREVERMAN has left the chat.
- THEFOREVERMAN has joined the chat.
2:12ALEXSHELPERim leaveing bye
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